Projection mapping for MIT IDM reunion party

MIT IDM asked me to be in charge of the projection art for its graduation and reunion party. So I planned and executed the visuals for the photo booth using projection mapping and the large screen on the dance floor.

During my time at IDM, I had many requests from the program to do its graphics, so consequently, I accumulated the assets I created for the program and used them to make the animations for projection. It all worked out because I could reuse the materials, which was a big time saver!

私が所属するMIT IDMの卒業&同窓会パーティーがあるとのことで(コロナ禍で卒業パーティーが行われなかった年の卒業生も参加)イベントを盛り上げるべく、プロジェクションを担当しました。マッピングを駆使したフォトブースと、ダンスフロアの大型スクリーンのビジュアルを担当しました。


会場となったのはサウスボストンにある、Artists For Humanity



Thanks for modeling, Chieh!

With my classmates.

Other creators’ contributions were phenomenal, too. Thanks for the sweet memories! 

Special thanks to Gen and SRCFLP!

Thank you❤️